Heath Bar Pistachio Shortbread

Heath Bar and Pistachio Shortbread

Hey guys, remember me?  The crazy lady who likes to bake foods based on Marvel movies and is a little bit obsessed with the Great British Baking Show?  I’m back!  Long time no see!  I’ve been a bit consumed with life stuff lately, so I haven’t had much time or inclination to write.  I’m not going to get into that right now, but I will at least say that things are finally starting to settle down and I’m starting to get back into the mood to do what I love: bake!

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Red Velvet Beet Brownies

Red Velvet Beet Brownies

I bake interesting and delicious things all the time (if I do say so myself), but sometimes I just want some brownies.  I like them dense and fudgy with more chocolate chips inside than a brownie has any right to contain.  Boxed brownies with a mess of broken candy (known fondly around my home as “garbage brownies”) are a treat I rarely allow myself to indulge in these days.  However, garbage brownies wouldn’t make for a particularly interesting post, now would they?  That’s where red velvet and beets decided to barge into the picture.

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triple chocolate surprise brownies

Triple Chocolate Brownies with a Secret Ingredient

This past weekend saw a dear friend grow another year awesomer.  In an effort to pay tribute to our shared interests and history, I decided I wanted to bake something with potatoes this week.  (Because nothing says friendship like potatoes. :-P)  Since this friend is also a great lover of chocolate, brownies seemed to be a natural choice.

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